Family bonding over a shared experience, symbolizing legacy investment in retirement. Goodwin Investment

August 23, 2024

Retirement for millionaires often conjures images of extravagant yachts, lavish vacations, and opulent lifestyles. However, the reality is that many affluent individuals struggle with the fear of spending their wealth, opting instead to continue accumulating assets for the future. Yet, there’s a growing movement among millionaires to shift their mindset and embrace the idea of enjoying their wealth while alive. Let’s explore three ways millionaires can fully savor their retirement years, drawing inspiration from real-life examples and statistics.

The three ways to enjoy your full retirement.

  1. Invest your time and money in experiences that add meaning to your life.
  2. Allocate funds that foster your family legacy and relationships.
  3. Balance generous giving to your community with your own long-term financial needs.

Now, let’s examine these in more detail and consider some well-known examples (of extremely wealthy individuals).

Experiential Spending

The traditional mindset of accumulating wealth for retirement often leads millionaires to prioritize financial security over enjoyment. However, a shift towards experiential spending is gaining traction among affluent individuals who understand the value of creating lasting memories.

Take the example of Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Despite his immense fortune, Buffett is known for his frugal lifestyle. However, he recognizes the importance of spending on experiences that bring joy and fulfillment. Whether playing bridge with friends or indulging in his favorite Cherry Coke, Buffett demonstrates that happiness can be found in life’s simple pleasures.

According to a study by Spectrem Group, 72% of millionaires believe spending on experiences is more important than accumulating material possessions.

Investing in Family Legacy and Relationships

For millionaires, leaving a lasting legacy is often a top priority. However, this doesn’t have to be limited to financial bequests. Investing in family relationships and creating meaningful experiences can be equally impactful.

Consider the case of Oprah Winfrey, whose philanthropic endeavors are as legendary as her media empire. Winfrey prioritizes spending time with loved ones and creating shared experiences that strengthen familial bonds. From hosting family reunions to gifting memorable experiences, Winfrey demonstrates that true wealth lies in the relationships we nurture.

Research by U.S. Trust reveals that 91% of high-net-worth individuals believe preserving their family’s history and traditions is essential to their legacy.

Balancing Present Enjoyment with Future Security

While enjoying the present is essential, millionaires also recognize the need to balance indulgence with financial prudence. By adopting a strategic approach to spending and investing, affluent individuals can ensure a fulfilling retirement without compromising their long-term financial security.

Take Bill Gates, for example, whose philanthropic efforts have reshaped global healthcare and education. Gates understands the importance of strategic spending in addressing pressing societal issues while still maintaining financial stability for the future. By leveraging his wealth to make a meaningful impact, Gates demonstrates that retirement can be a time of both personal enjoyment and societal contribution.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies report highlights that wealthy retirees tend to spend less of their wealth than their less affluent counterparts, suggesting a reluctance to deplete assets.

In conclusion, retirement for millionaires is not just about accumulating wealth; it’s about living a life of abundance, purpose, and fulfillment. By embracing experiential spending, investing in family relationships, and balancing present enjoyment with future security, affluent individuals can create a retirement that is both meaningful and rich in experiences. If you want guidance on planning and designing your retirement so that it reflects your values, please reach out to our team to get started by scheduling an intro call.

  • Spectrem Group. “Affluent Market Insights 2019: Spending Habits of High-Net-Worth Individuals.”
  • U.S. Trust. “Insights on Wealth and Worth.”
  • Institute for Fiscal Studies. “Spending, Saving, and Public Policy in an Aging World.”


We cannot guarantee to make you a billionaire. But with whatever savings you have, we can help you to make investment and spending choices that may give you increased long-term financial stability.
Another warning: Money cannot buy happiness, but we would love to hear your story, your family setup, your dreams, and your priorities for the future. Then, we can work with you to create a retirement plan that helps you reach those goals, experience personal fulfillment, and spread joy to those around you.
By Published On: August 23rd, 2024

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About the Author: Tara Bruce

Tara Bruce
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