April 30, 2020
Some words of wisdom for all the graduates not able to participate in an actual graduation ceremony due to COVID-19. Sorry that this has not worked out well for you this year. We are proud of you and you deserve to be celebrated for your hard work!
L.A.U.N.C.H – We want you to launch into this world!
L. is for LOVE
People need love. Love wins. Find ways to share love.
A. is for Action
Take action. Come up with ideas. Now is the time to make a plan. You’re smart. Take action. Set some goals and go out and do it.
U. is for Unique-ability
Get about the business of finding out what God made you to do. You are unique and have God given gifts and talents. See where your gifts and passions intersect with a need in the world.
N. is for Net worth
Think about your net worth. This is your assets-your liabilities (your debt). Eliminate any debt and then start thinking about building wealth.
C. is for Challenge.
Challenge the status quo. Challenge there system and change the world. Don’t do things the way they have always been done.
H. is for Honor
Honor your Father and Mother – God gave this commandment and he even gave a promise that you if you honor your Father and Mother he will bless you with long life. What ism honor – considering someone better than yourself.