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Welcome back to the Money Pig Podcast! In this episode, we dive into an insightful discussion with Justin Pickcock and John Pratt, one of our valued clients. John shares his journey from growing up on a 500-acre potato farm to working in IBM’s service division, and how those experiences shaped his perspective. He mentions how hiring Goodwin Investment Advisory helps him get a good night sleep, which is a value and benefit beyond the dollars and cents.
We also take a deep dive into how Goodwin Investment Advisory compares to Fisher Investments. From fiduciary responsibility and fee structures to personalized service, we break down the key differences and why many investors prefer a boutique, client-centric approach over a large, high-pressure firm.
Key Takeaways:
The importance of fiduciary, fee-only advising vs. commission-based models
Why personalized service matters more than big-brand recognition
How Goodwin Investment Advisory prioritizes client relationships and proactive financial planning
A client’s firsthand experience of switching to Goodwin Investment Advisory
If you’re evaluating your investment options and considering a firm that truly cares more, check out our detailed comparison of Fisher Investments vs. Goodwin Investment Advisory: Read the full blog here
Visit GoodwinInvestment.com to schedule a call and explore how we can help you achieve your financial goals.
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Goodwin Investment Advisory is a Registered Investment Advisory firm regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance and compliance with securities laws and regulations. Goodwin Investment Advisory does not render or offer to render personalized investment or tax advice through the Money PIG podcast. The information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax, investment or legal advice.
See below for the full unedited transrciption generated by AI
All right, well, welcome back to the Money Pig podcast. We are super excited to have two guests with us today. We have somebody you’re familiar with and somebody you’re maybe not as familiar with. So we’ve got the one and only Justin Pickcock, Elmer Fudd with us today. Say hello, Justin. How’s it going, everybody? Yeah. And we also have one of our amazing clients, John Pratt, on the phone with us here today. How’s it going, John? Great. Good afternoon, everybody.
Yeah, thanks for joining us. John, where are you calling in from today? I live in Gulf Shores, Alabama. How often do get snow down there, John? Never. The white stuff is more sand based. Big difference. Big difference, but still white and still awesome. Yeah, in a different way. So before we jump into the conversation of kind
diving a little bit on how Goodwin Investment Advisory compares to Fisher Investments. I thought it might be interesting for the audience to maybe learn something new or interesting about you. So Justin, I’ll have you get started while John’s thinking about something. What’s something interesting you could share with the audience? man, I think just about all my clients know I’m an avid outdoorsman. love to hunt fish, backpack. I’ve got two boys that are growing up. They love to get out there with me too.
The youngest is, just turned two and, he already wants to go like, and aside from like hunting and fishing, he got a little chainsaw, like a little toy chainsaw. mean, it’s your two year old, my two year old, it’s battery power at the pick up house. Everybody loves that thing. He puts it to bed at night and puts like a sheet over it. You know, sure, yeah, you make sure, sure that it’s tucked in and warm to bed. Yeah.
If anybody wondered if that was really Justin Pickock’s son, they would know. Yeah, of course, he’s sleeping with his chainsaw. So that’s right. It’s like some kind of plastic thing that’s got a minute. It’s legit. looks just like a Husqvarna chainsaw. It’s battery powered. It makes the noise. It’s got a little chain that moves when he squeezes the trigger. He walks around the house trying to solve everything up. It’s fantastic.
Tim Goodwin (09:38.304)
my gosh, that’s pretty adorable. You could build a little TikTok channel off of that and that thing would go viral. That’s awesome. Yeah. So John, did you grow up sleeping with your chainsaw tucked in? I grew up on a 500 acre potato farm. And so we did have chainsaws and grease guns and all kinds of things that you would think wouldn’t be toys, but they ended up being toys. I just happened to grease gun fight across the barnyard.
you know, against your brother and friends and things like that. That is, that sounds fun. Are we lighting this grease on fire or is this a blowtorch? You can shoot these things, honestly, 50 to 80 feet. Oh, wow. Come home and you know, your mother would be not too happy with. Yeah. I would imagine not. Sounds like a horrible cleanup. Did y’all make, did y’all make potato guns?
we didn’t. be honest with you, we threw tomatoes at each other. know, and when somebody hits you with a tomato really hard, it stings and you look at your chest and it’s got this red stuff. You’re wondering, you know, how real is that? that’s great. shot? did I get with a tomato? No, you just got hit with a tomato. That’s a perfect projectile.
Did you guys like have any contests and keep track like during the harvest of like this is the biggest potato we ever grew You know we we wrote we potatoes were were specifically designed they were called triple walls they were designed for potato chips, so Okay biggest watery potatoes you could you could find a big white watery potatoes better because they would slice thin and and turn into
pretty good ships, guess, know, Lays and Wies and all that kind of stuff is what we sent them to. Wow. And that’s awesome. Yeah. How old were you when you were living on that farm? It was my uncle and grandfather’s farm. And so I was starting to drive tractor and truck at seven. At 11, I got stopped by a New Jersey state trooper for driving this big 10 wheel truck down the road.
Tim Goodwin (11:58.988)
and the little flap that was, yeah, it was holding the string beam. The flap was open. So all he was trying to do is stop me to tell me, hey, you need to shut that flap. You’re spilling beans on the road. no. And my mission, if I chose to accept it, was deliver those beans one mile to Seabrook Farms, which is also in southern New Jersey, where I grew up. so I didn’t make the mission complete. I was turned around and sent back to the farm.
and I heard some words I hadn’t heard. I’m the trooper to my uncle, you know, me driving the truck. So it was fun. It was, it actually was a great lesson in life in terms of work ethic and all that. you know, I just absolutely, you know, always was working, you know, I was working two or three jobs, you know, in the cemetery, just doing stuff that
You know, money was never an issue for me because I earned it. know, it was only $3 an hour or five maybe at best. Oh my gosh. I had, had plenty to buy my toys with, know, You’re probably working so much too. feel like when you’re living, working on the farm, you’re kind of available 24 seven. You’re almost working. There’s always work to do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it builds a, and so later on in life, I
got into IBM and became over time the head of their service division. And so this whole service model or concept of servicing people or whatever, you can imagine, in the computer industry is no different than others. Every time the phone rings, there’s usually a challenge or a problem to go solve. And so I got used to doing that a lot of my life. Man, I tell you, Farm grows up that character.
you know, can translate to most of life, to a lot of life. Absolutely. That’s awesome. Well, thanks so much for sharing that story. And does that pull up in a background check for you now, John? At 11 years old, I was pulled over as a two mile. I hope not. hope not. It’s just, you worst thing you can tell a young man or a young boy is, you know, you’re not going to get your driver’s license until you’re 21 because you did something silly like that, you know? Oh, yeah.
Tim Goodwin (14:19.268)
So I was pretty straight and narrow from then on. wow. That was quite a life shaping day. my gosh. Well, yeah, well, I’ve actually got a question, John, for you and Justin. Do you what do you call a wealthy couple who still clips coupons?
Investmates. Investmates. Yeah, that’s the corny dad joke for you there, John. Yeah, I always got to include that. That’s how you know it’s an original Money Pig episode podcast. So I thought that was pretty funny. So well, anyway, so today we really want to kind of dive in and take a deeper look into Goodwin Investment Advisory versus Fisher Investments. you know, full disclosure, you know,
whether you’re aware of Fisher Investments or not, they are really a global firm. They have a strong presence in the US. so they’re very, very large firm. We are a small boutique firm. So these are some of the differences. But if I kind of start with why, as far as our topic for discussion today, why are we talking about this? The firms are very, very different. And we both have some similarities. And then we have some things that are stark contrast.
They have a very strong marketing arm and efforts and they just don’t have that great of a reputation online. I don’t talk to a lot of folks that have a great long-term experience with them. Some do and I’m sure some are having a great long-term experience with Fisher, but we tend to attract a different kind of client, a different kind of individual. so often when we…
Clients are looking at potentially hiring our firm. They may have been approached by Fisher They may have reached out to Fisher through their other online Efforts and so they’re they’re comparing and contrasting us to Fisher so much so that we actually created a Site on our website that helps folks to compare us to Fisher We don’t think that we’re always the best option for folks, but we certainly want people to be informed better informed
Tim Goodwin (16:24.922)
because they make better decisions. And in full disclosure, John, your daughter Tara works with us. She was actually one of the folks that worked with putting mainly was the project lead on that Fisher versus Goodwin Investments thing. But we’re grateful for you joining us today because I think that was maybe part of your story. So maybe you could share a little feedback about that. Sure. I moved around the country 17 times. So I had a long term
financial advisor in the North Georgia mountains. was based out of Jasper, not too far from you guys. And I thought everything was going fine. And he and I actually became friends and everything. But what I found out in these relationship models is that companies would come to him and try to push high commission.
Tim Goodwin (17:37.826)
I just thought that was it wasn’t in alignment, you know, guys with what I was looking for. And so, you know, and and yes, your marketing person, you know, reached out to me and said, hey, you raised your hand and say, hey, we’ve got a pretty interesting model here. And it’s and it’s great family based team. And even if they’re not all part of the same family, they’re part of the same business family. And I could see that. And so I kind of.
Look for that, you back, you might find this interesting guys, but when I, you know, was running that division for IBM about service, we published an ad one time on TV, national TV. Now this is probably back in the eighties and when computers were breaking a lot or whatever. And, and it said, you know, IBM service, all I want from you is a good night’s sleep. And, and, and the, before the, my pillow guy became popular, a guy walked out on stage and handed the customer a pillow.
You know, because really that’s all you want from a service organization is you want them to do their job, service you well, give you options, look at alternative products. And they just, you know, my experience with coming to Goodwin is that that’s what I feel like is like, Hey, you know, we’ve got some new initiatives going on here. Just want to run them by. What do you think? And so that you’re balancing out your portfolio at the same time, you’re
Tim Goodwin (19:57.478)
being well served. I guess, you know, once you whether it was the farm or whether it was IBM service, or then later on in life, I managed, you know, as a managing director in a CEO, you know, kind of advisory firm, you know, which is a little bit like a financial firm, only you’re you’re trying to help CEOs grow properly make good decisions. And, and, you know, I just found it was a it was a similar theme with the good one at the time.
That’s awesome. I’m gonna ask a few questions about the comments you made. So I’ll point the next, the first one to Justin. Justin, John was talking about his previous advisor, but before Fisher actually, about the commissions and the products and what happens with that conflict of interest when an advisor is incentivized to maybe sell the most highest.
paying commission products. So how do we handle that here at Goodwin Investment Advisor? What makes us different than that for us? We’re fiduciaries and we don’t get paid by the funds that we invest in. And so there’s no conflict of interest. want to truly invest in the best investments that are available because they don’t pay us a commission. They earn a higher rate of return, hopefully, and that’s what we want for our client account.
Yep, that’s great. And often I still run across firms even like ours, but they are what’s called dual registered that they can sell products and they can manage money and so for fee only, but they also have the products, the commission based stuff. And so they’re called hybrids in the industry. And I think it’s unfair to clients to have to worry about both sides. Are you getting fee only and I’m getting fiduciary advice? Or am I getting
suitability advice on this product. And so we agreed from the very beginning that we wouldn’t be hybrids, that wouldn’t be dually registered. We are just only fiduciaries. We are fee only advisors who are monetarily motivated to act in your best interest. There’s certainly a small conflict there. We talked about that on previous podcasts where like, the client’s like, hey, should I roll over my 401k or not to a managed IRA? Well, we stand to benefit from that, but we try to help with some objective advice there.
Tim Goodwin (22:05.902)
John, let me ask a question back to you about something you said when you were talking to Fisher. You were like, it just wasn’t what I was looking for, right? What were you looking for? Well, to be honest with you, I’ve hired a bunch of people in my life. I’ve had thousands of people work for me and teams. And so I always look for a team of people that were verb based, not noun based. What I mean by that is, you know, they…
How about me as the model? Are you looking at me at all? I know it sounds simple, I just didn’t feel like there was any time listening to me rather than talking to me. Interesting. Yeah, a lot of the research shows that in the industry that the clients that leave their advisor and go somewhere else is because they don’t feel heard and understood.
They feel like the advisors talking over their head doesn’t understand who they are, their goals are, their objectives. Which I guess gets a little surprising for a good one because I feel like that’s just how we’re wired, that’s how we start, that just feels natural. But something that you’re saying that I put in the soundbite years ago is we want our clients to feel known, not like a number.
Tim Goodwin (24:21.29)
And when you and it’s same thing, Fisher’s not the only one and it’s hard when you get big and you scale and you’re at a big bank or a big broker dealer or a big RIA like Fisher. You know, it’s, it’s hard to feel known, you feel more like a number. Like you said, I got to get in the queue to talk to somebody, you know? Yeah, so here, you know, all our advisor, Justin’s your advisor, John, we haven’t said that clearly yet so far. You know, Justin’s a certified financial planner, all of our advisors are the primary point of contact for the client are
certified financial planners based on our research. That’s not necessarily always the case with Fisher. And one thing and I think John, you know about this too, especially with Tara working with us is that our reputation, my reputation, the team’s reputation is just so important to me. You know what I mean? It’s just that reputation so priceless. I can’t buy it. And I can’t get my way. I can’t buy myself out of a bad reputation either. like having that good reputation.
is so, so very important and not the reputation that I articulate to other people, what I hope it is. It’s what the clients have said about us and what they’ve said publicly online. And so we do have clients that have left us reviews online at Google and at Yelp. If they left a bad review, we could not hide it. It’s one of the reasons we can’t accept reviews on LinkedIn because you can publish them or hide them. So we can’t do that.
It has to be in a third party system that whatever they said goes, we can’t change anything about what it says or how it’s displayed. If you go to the website, GoodwinInvestment.com slash Fisher versus Goodwin, and that’ll be in the show notes of this episode, you’re going to see this comparison of ratings and reviews of us versus Fisher. And it actually dates it. We’ve got disclosures here and all this kind of stuff. But as of the date, which was actually September 11th, 2024, we had 178
all five star reviews on Google and Fisher had only six reviews. which is crazy because they’re enormously bigger than us, but their average rating is 2.5 stars. If we go over to Yelp, we don’t have as many reviews on Yelp. We’ve only got eight, but they’re all five stars. Fisher does have a lot more reviews on Yelp. They have 132, but their star rating is 1.8. And so this is just… Go ahead, John.
Tim Goodwin (26:46.65)
You can’t fix that. you can. mean, the only way you fix it is internally. That’s right. Lose it. So over time, you had to replace that of their leadership. That’s right. Your leadership extends through Justin down through your whole team and everybody acts like you do. Right. And that’s the case. That’s you. You’re going to be long standing on the right side of that equation. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It’s going to take them a long time to write this. They’ve got to look internally. I actually, I’m going to use Comcast as an example.
Comcast used to, like my friends used to joke about Comcast like they were the devil or something, know, providing the internet service and all that kind of thing. They were just this horrible company. People didn’t like dealing with them, but it kind of had a monopoly in our area. But they eventually figured out that they had such a crappy reputation and they did a major overhaul. I remember one time I went to a Comcast like drop off an old receiver and they were like opening the door for me. Like there was this bucket of like, hey, take some candy while you’re here. Thanks so much. What’s the feedback? I get proactive texts now.
it seems that they have done like what you’re talking about, John, it would take a change in leadership, a change in strategy and a lot of internal changes. And then you have to start getting convince your customers you’ve made a change, start getting that reputation to outweigh it. So I’ll breeze over a couple other things here about comparing us back and forth. Just talking about the sheer size. I Fisher’s got over 150,000 clients. We’ve got like about 700.
So very, very different there. And if you read our reviews, you’ll see it’s kind of interesting. could even, think Jim and I and other AI tools may even say, hey, this is generally what these reviews are saying. We’re generally known for very low pressure, low pressure sales as far as becoming a client, as far as adding accounts or whatever. We’re very low pressure. We want our clients to make informed decisions. We want to help them guide it. And like you said, you know,
Fisher’s kind of known for high pressure. They really do stay on you. I’ve had some people tell me before that sometimes they think they’re better at marketing than they are at managing money. Now, again, full disclosure, they’re probably good at managing money and it depends all the time on your risk tolerance and the timing, but they do spend a lot of money on marketing, which is why they’re so well known. We currently have six advisors. Fisher has 1,574. So we are definitely more of that independent, like you’re saying, John, like…
Tim Goodwin (29:07.546)
Family run family feel community boutique. I say that but we have clients in 15 states. You’re you’re you’re a great example We’re headquartered in Georgia, but that doesn’t stop us from having clients in other states either So yeah, what John? would you go ahead? Technology technology and they be anywhere exactly right whether it’s doctors or lawyers or whatever, right? Yeah, and people my experience
Tim Goodwin (29:58.084)
definitely keeping up with what the trends were, where we should be gone. It’s where the puck is going, not where it’s been. Exactly. Your connections were current contemporary and, there is a big, you know, relationship between what we do and accounting and taxes and how we invest, that’s absolutely, I enjoyed, you know, looking at the Justin’s taken me through that on, you know, every six months, we kind of
we look at that, are we on the right path to making sure we’re optimizing those things, right? you can actually make too much and, and you know, and shoot yourself in the other foot when it comes to taxes. So it’s just, I just feel like it’s a full circle. And again, I, if I wanted to sit around and do EFTs myself and all that stuff, it would be a different model, but I never do that. I’m, you know, you don’t have to worry about it.
You don’t have worry about it. That’s right. Just grab that pillow and go take a nap. All right. Well, let’s all kind of get a little final say in this Fisher versus Investments thing. One thing that I will mention is that their fees, again, this is all as of September 11th, 2024, and we’ll update this from overtime. But at that time, Fisher’s fees start at 1.5 and over time would decrease to 1%, but didn’t…
doesn’t ever drop below 1%. Our fee starts at 1.42 right now. So it starts at a little bit lower than the 1.5. But once our clients have $1.6 million or more, are below, they keep moving below that 1%. So I think on the fee side, there is a substantial enough difference there where Fisher doesn’t ever charge less than 1%. And we certainly do when the total assets for that family are below 1.6. Justin, anything you’d like to add to the?
The Fisher versus GI combo? think, I mean, results matter. Like, Fisher’s great at talking. Right. It’s all about outcomes. It’s about the outcomes, right? So we’ve got a very in-depth process that’s, you know, beyond just the six advisors here on the team on how we manage money. We partner with the team at Fidelity that keeps us up to date with their capital market assumptions. We work with them on the fund research.
Tim Goodwin (32:20.546)
So that the ETFs and mutual funds that we use, those top rated funds that are in our client portfolios, they get reviewed every quarter. So we’re on top of the investments. They’re not just, you know, some investments that got put in somebody’s portfolio. And then actually heard this from a guy that was, it’s considering hiring our firm right now. He’s like, yeah, my, my current advisor, I feel like he just, you know, the portfolio is static until I go see him. Then he’s like, what do you think about switching this out or that?
A whole year passes by, nothing changes until that meeting, right? No, but you know, for our clients, it’s, it’s ongoing. Like we want to make sure that, you know, we’re always on top of it. We’re forward looking. And then, you know, we’ve been talking about it this whole time, but you really get a family feel with us. You’re not a number. You’re, know, you’re going to be able to call me directly if I’m your advisor or, know, whoever your advisor is on the team, you’re to be able to call them directly. You don’t have to call, you know, their
assistant or whatever and then get scheduled out two or three weeks to have a 30 minute phone call with them. That’s not how it works here. And then, you you said this, but I’m a certified financial planner. The other advisors on the team are certified financial planners as well. Right. And, and then that references back to what John was saying about how much he appreciates to help with taxes and tax strategy. Well, we’re CFPs, we’re well versed in taxes. That’s right. I mean, we’ve got
We’ve got the education, the expertise, the experience. and then a big thing that when most people change advisors and they’re interviewing us as one of the options, they, they say, well, I’m tired of working with the old advisors cause I never hear from them. So we are very intentional about communication with our clients. That’s true. That’s great. John, any, any last words there on your side? I think the other thing you guys selected.
Fidelity is a great back office. Yes. I just happen to have fidelity as part of my pension. So they manages that so everything’s on the same page and and I don’t ever find myself trying to contact all those different departments without without your team right you know and so I in the past I was with this gentleman up in North Georgia and
Tim Goodwin (34:40.378)
we get on these conference calls and he’d pull me in and he said, you tell them what you need and you tell them this and you know, it was just, you know, I felt like, you know, so what do I have you for? Right. You know, and so, yeah, we anyway, that’s great. Early on, John, not to interrupt. Sorry. I was just going to say in reference to that, that, you know, we do try to do that with white glove, you five star. It’s all about the customer experience and how we’re making the customer feel. And from very, very beginning, I told my staff as a
Never ask a client for a piece of information you already have. Do not ask them to write their address in a form. Do not ask them to write their phone number and any amount of form. If we already have it, then you fill it out. And the goal is always to get signature ready documents or just to handle it for the client. There are some things we can’t handle, but we’re gonna try to provide guidance. Call this number, say this thing, or I can be on the phone when you call. But if we can handle it like we came with Fidelity, we’re independent from Fidelity, we choose them as our primary custodians, we could go somewhere else.
like John saying, they have really good support and a lot of folks are used to them because of their 401k or their pension. And so they log into what they usually were logging into before. And now they see their accounts there too, which is pretty cool. Well, even it goes, like I said, your leadership, Tim and Justin kind of go right down into the entire team. So when I’m, when I’m looking to, you know, move some money around because tax season’s coming, I got to pay more, you know, your team is so responsive. And then on top of that, they ask questions like, well,
Should we not put a little bit more in the tax side this time or whatever? And they’re absolutely correct. It’s just, I wasn’t thinking of that. Even down to the people that are pushing buttons and executing trades for you, they’re thinking about the client. Yeah, that client-centric approach makes a big difference and having folks that are educated and know what’s going on.
Well, John, we thank you, man, so much. Thanks for jumping on. We appreciate it. Love the story about growing up on the potato farm. with grease guns. never going to that image in my mind. Getting pulled over at 11 years old driving a tractor. That’s awesome. We’re really, really grateful for you. Thank you so much. And hey, thanks for raising an amazing daughter. We love having Tara on the team. She’s incredible. Well, I, you know, again, I hope that, you know, this whole leadership thing and being a servant leader.
Tim Goodwin (36:58.682)
which is your firm, it’s clearly, if I’m looking up in the dictionary, your firm shows up there under certain leadership. That’s funny. We pay a lot of money to get it in there, John. Yeah, thanks. Well, it kind of goes around. know what goes around goes around. So think it’s great. no, appreciate you guys. Thanks for the opportunity to provide some input. Awesome. Thank you, Thanks so much.
Justin here before we sign off. We officially let go of Mr. Mr. John Pratt there There was one concept. I know we’re a little bit long, but I just want to share about this one last concept Which I always feel a little funny talking to a client about so so, know, we’ll say this though It’s after John pops up and that is this philosophy around here. It’s like it’s like our marching orders. It’s our motto Okay, Angel sitting across the table from us. She’s the one that executes on this really more than anybody else. And what is that motto?
We care more. We care more. And, you know, I remember, I don’t know if it was COVID or if it was before that, I felt like we were all like on some walk or we were all talking as a team on a retreat or something. I said, who do we like, we care more than what? Right. And so we had this great conversation as a team and what was, what the team come up with? More than you would expect. Yes, exactly. So I don’t know if we care more than Fisher. That’s up to…
The eyes in the beholder. think so. think we think so. Yeah. Put my money on it. But I would say, John, do you think we care more than Fisher? It’s not up to us. There’s a lot of great financial advisors out there. There’s a lot of great companies that care, but we do try to care more. How do we show that or how does Angela Cross on the table end up showing that a lot for our clients? Angela creates these powerful moments and it’s when a client has a milestone, maybe they’re celebrating becoming a millionaire or
paying off the mortgage or, maybe it’s something sad, like, you know, they’ve gone through a tough time. I should send a box of sunshine and that’s OS box of sunshine. something to let our clients know that we’re, you know, we’re there with them, that we’re thinking about them. care. And so I think that goes a long way. And then just how we can help with finances and planning as these different sort of, you know, life experiences happen. you know, we try to.
Tim Goodwin (39:17.76)
try to live it with our clients. Yeah, it’s like a physical, tangible version of empathy. It’s like we want to share in the joy and share in the pain with our clients. And we’re very faith-based, know, a lot of Christian values amongst us. Like we want to try to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want to try to, you know, let our clients feel the love. can put our soul and all of our effort into
their investments and their planning, but we also want to just kind of connect with our clients as real people and as fellow brothers and sisters and sharing those joys and sharing those pains as well. I think it’s, like you said, it’s not something we advertise. We don’t really like try to come and say, this is why you should hire us. It’s something we’re just like, hey, when you get here, we hope you feel that way, that you’re known, that you’re not a number, that we care about you and your family, your goals.
and that we’re helping to guide you towards making better and better financial decisions. Like John was saying, it’s helpful when we say, what about this or what about that? And that would be better. So yeah. yeah. So if that didn’t pick up in the microphone, Angela was just, I need to keep saying she needs a mic to, you know, we celebrate that as a team. So we bring it up when we meet on Mondays. Hey, what’s what milestones were celebrated? How many people are tired? Angela literally has a box out in the front that will be shipped out to as a thank you, not as a thank you as a wow.
to clients who just told us they paid off all their consumer debt for years. This is first time they’re debt free. And we sent them something to say, hey, we see you, we’re celebrating with you. Welcome to the club. Cheers to your future. So, well, Justin, thanks so much for coming. In true form, I always like to sign off with something that we’re grateful for. So as we’re thinking of something, you’re thinking of something you’re grateful for, I will share that I’m grateful for trucks, just trucks, just period. Mostly my truck though. And yeah, I know you have a truck, but my truck’s in the shop right now and I don’t have my truck.
And now I’m on like week two of not having my truck and I’m like, I didn’t really want my truck. Yeah. Yeah. Well, one of my daughters is learning how to drive and you know, she’s broken my truck a little bit on a mailbox. anyway, yeah, it’s all, it’s all good. It’s all good. so anyway, just, just grateful for the truck that I don’t have right now. What about you? I’m grateful for, for a snow days. Right. Yeah. Hoping to get that tomorrow. They already, they already announced it. Okay.
Tim Goodwin (41:35.994)
schools closed. There’s a snow. Yeah. And whether the snow comes or not, the kids are off. So yeah, probably rain. Yeah. Anything but ice, right? All right. Well, Justin, thanks so much for your time. We really appreciate you coming. As always, thanks everybody for listening and having a great day and feel free to go to the show notes and click on that Fisher verse Goodwin Investment Advisory kind of show. There’s a there’s a table there and there’s some more explanation if you’re interested. Reach out to Goodwininvestment.com and schedule an intro call. Have a great day. Bye.