All about HSAs (Health Savings Accounts)

The Money PIG Podcast was joined by Justin Pitcock to discuss the topic of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), outlining their importance, benefits, tax advantages, eligibility criteria, investment strategies, and their role in retirement planning. Key points included the triple tax advantage of HSAs, contribution limits, investment options, Medicare premium usage, reimbursement for medical expenses, and strategic planning for HSA usage. Podcast listeners were advised on the comparison with Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), the importance of letting funds grow over time, and investment adjustments as retirement approaches.

If you want an expert who can give sound advice and help you navigate HSAs as well as how to invest your wealth and plan for your retirement, reach out to us to schedule a quick call. One of our CFP® professional wealth advisors would love to discuss your individual goals and options with you. The first step in our process is to schedule a free 15-minute intro call with our Goodwin Investment Advisory consultant here.

The Money PIG podcast is hosted by Reid Trego. Goodwin Investment Advisory is a Registered Investment Advisory firm regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission in accordance and compliance with securities laws and regulations. Goodwin Investment Advisory does not render or offer to render personalized investment or tax advice through the Money PIG podcast. The information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, tax, investment or legal advice.
By Published On: May 29th, 2024

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About the Author: Tara Bruce

Tara Bruce
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