Accounts, communication and benefits
client corner
Goodwin Investment Advisory provides a range of tools, services, and benefits to our clients.
Here’s a simplified and easy-to-read list: (maybe also a few you were unaware of?)
2 financial tools you have access to
gMoney is a powerful collaborative financial planning tool where both the advisor and the client can build out a complete financial picture, establish goals, manage scenarios, run over 250 reports, project income and expenses, including assets not professionally managed, upload financial documents, and track your net worth over time.
We use Fidelity as our preferred custodian, and their website provides your performance and brokerage statements (incl. tax reports), as well as tools to compare your investments’ performance against a large number of benchmarks. You can now use the Fidelity app to track your performance as well.
*If you need access for the first time, or if you are having trouble logging in, please email to let us know.
10 ways we communicate with you
The primary way we communicate with you is done electronically!
If you are not seeing our email communications, please email our team at
1. We LOVE personal communication with our clients, and you have unlimited access via phone, text, and email to your advisor team!
2. Every Monday you receive an email market update. In case you’re not receiving it, please check your spam folder for the subject line “Market brief” on Mondays.
3. Once a month we send an email only for our clients called “Insider”, which includes updates on our team, reminders of important things to know, events we are planning, real estate updates, local happenings, a section on individual growth and other fun extras.
4. We send semi-monthly blogs on Tuesdays covering financial topics that might be beneficial to you.
5. We frequently publish new guides to help you in a variety of areas including: end of year planning, tax & retirement planning, money conversations, taking care of aging parents, and many more. Some of these include very useful and printable checklists to help you as you face some complex issues.
6. We occasionally send text messages regarding important updates and events.
7. Every year we send a postcard to thank you for your continued trust in us. We also send a postcard near your birthday with a QR code for you to scan and select a birthday book of your choice.
8. As of April, 2023 we launched the The Money PIG Podcast – offering insights from various advisors and industry experts on a variety of money topics, sprinkled with some humor.
9. We are active on social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube.
10. Our website is an amazing knowledge center with extensive resources. You can even narrow your focus by looking up a topic of interest to you in our search bar, or by clicking on our categories for blogs.
Services and benefits we offer
growth, retirement, and estate financial planning (included in management fee)
A personal financial plan can cover
professional asset management
guidance on generosity – now and ongoing
guidance on real estate investing
guidance during life transitions
401k, 403b, 457 Advantage
We can advise on employer-sponsored retirement plans and we can manage your employer sponsored accounts.
tax advantaged strategies
fun client benefits
(we love showing our clients that “we care more”)
read our most recent blog, podcast episode, and client insider
Welcome to The Money P.I.G. Podcast – Now in Video Format on YouTube!
The primary way we communicate with you is done electronically!
If you are not seeing our email communications, please email our team at
If you search GIA in your email search bar you will see all of our recent email communications as we have added “GIA” to the beginning of all subject lines moving forward.
Our podcast, The Money PIG Podcast – offers insights from various advisors and industry experts on a variety of money topics, sprinkled with some humor.
Every Monday you receive an email market update. In case you’re not receiving it, please check your spam folder for the subject line “GIA – Market brief” on Mondays.
The list of tools, services and benefits are provided as a general guide, and may not be applicable to each individual client’s situation. GIA does not receive compensation for mentioning the companies, trusted partners & external resources above. All investment carries risk, and GIA cannot guarantee results or growth. GIA may comment on tax topics in general terms, but you should consult with your CPA to determine your specific tax situation.